1. Yaspa help centre
  2. Country-specific information

Deploying Yaspa in the UK

Yaspa's payment and verification solutions can be used by businesses throughout the UK.

Local terminology

Not all users will appreciate how simple open banking payments can be.
  • In the UK, we recommend using the explainer phrase: 'Instant bank payment'

Bank compatibility

Yaspa works with all UK banks at national and federal levels including Lloyds and Barclays, as well as Europe-wide banks such as Revolut. Payments are processed in British Pounds (GBP).

  • In the UK, real-time payments are sent over the Faster Payments Service (FPS), enabling instant transactions 24/7.

Getting started

The Yaspa user experience (UX) team works with each new merchant and operator at the start of our relationship to ensure Yaspa payments are fully optimised to deliver a consistent and brilliant payment experience for your customers.

    Contact our Sales team to learn more

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