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Navigating your Yaspa admin dashboard

Finding your way around the Yaspa admin dashboard

Yaspa’s admin dashboard is where you manage all aspects of your Yaspa merchant account(s), and it provides everything you need to get started. It is connected to your business bank account(s) via the Yaspa API, and through the dashboard you can view and manage payments made by, and to, your end customers. 

If you haven’t signed up for either a production account or a test account yet, read this article first before reading on. 

Finding your way around our admin dashboard

Your Yaspa admin dashboard provides data insights on the value and volume of payments moving through your Yaspa account. It also offers filters and options for you to dig further into specific payments.


Here you can see a quick view of your whole payment landscape. We've designed the dashboard to help you monitor performance, and spot issues quickly so they can be investigated.

  1. Navigation bar: Here you can navigate between the overview screen and subsequent Pay-ins, Confirmed bank accounts, Payment links, Payouts, Balances and Customers pages.
  2. Today's view: This shows a snapshot of the value, volume or payments that you have transacted in the current day. Use the toggle in the top right of this chart to switch between the two.
    1. Value is the total amount of money transacted for a given point in time e.g. '£1200.34'.
    2. Volume is the number of individual transactions that occurred for a given point in time e.g. '32'.
  3. Timeline view: This shows the value and volume (described above) over a longer period. Adjust the time frame using the buttons in the top right.

Highest transactions: This shows the highest customer transactions by value. This view is designed to help you spot unusual activity that may warrant a closer look.


The Pay-ins view lets you search for, and inspect, individual inbound payment transactions.

  1. The search and filter bar: Here you can search for transactions using the following filter
    1. Ability to toggle between transactions and pending payment requests.
    2. Status: filter out payments by status (Success, Failed, Pending).
    3. Amount: search for a payment by a specific amount, or between a range
    4. Date: return payments requested between a specific date
    5. Search: search by specific transaction IDs

View payment details: To view a specific payment, click anywhere on the payment record.

Confirmed bank accounts

View all customer bank accounts, and filter them by status and date:

Simply click on the relevant line for more information about a specific customer/confirmed bank account.

Payment links

Track payments and users by the specific payment link used; view and sort by customer identifier, the payment value, account name, reference, searchable text and date.

You can create new payment links by clicking the primary button create a new payment link at the top-right corner of the screen. 

Here, you’ll have some inputs relating to the type of payment link that you want to create. Ensure you fill out all of the information correctly and hit submit:



Much like the Pay-ins tab, in the Payouts tab you can view, sort and manage all Payout transactions.

You’ll be able to filter your Payout data via various means, and you are also able to export it all as a CSV document.

Lastly, you can toggle between both “Payouts” and your “Payouts Queue” at the top of the screen. Here you’ll be able to see the Payouts which are still to be processed.


The Balances page shows the status of all of the bank accounts that you have registered with Yaspa, including their balance. You can sort and filter the data within the dashboard. However, you can also export all of your Balance data as a CSV file, should you wish to configure your data externally. 

We'll be adding the option to include lots more supplementary information with payments in the future, so stay tuned for further updates!

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